Vol.63 Book Design issue

In this issue we introduce the book-related part of the creative world, from creators producing art books, photo books and magazines, to independent publishers, picture books with attractive visuals and unique bookstores.


For the opening feature, we interviewed eight groups of book creators with distinctive portfolios, including big names in the graphic design world such as Neville Brody and Jonathan Barnbrook. We asked not only about editorial design, but also on taking a comprehensive approach to book making, which includes design outline, production process, underlying ideas, choice of paper, printing method, and specifications such as cover design and binding. In the second feature, we take a look at independent publishers run by “book artisans,” who have won the trust of world-famous artists for the high quality of their creative work and mainly publish such artists’ collections of works. The third feature introduces 12 bookstores around the world that are an indispensable part of the local creative community, and the fourth feature presents a collection of impressive picture books with attractive visual material. The entire issue offers a chance to enjoy books made in a variety of styles.


The cover artwork is by Neville Brody. Using the +81 logo as a motif, it represents the elements of book design in a minimalist visual form.




巻頭企画では、いわゆるエディトリアル・デザインだけに留まらず、1冊の本を通したデザイン構成、制作工程や思想、紙の選択や印刷手法、装丁や製本などの造本仕様といった、総合的な本のクリエイションについて、Neville Brody やJonathan Barnbrookといったグラフィック界を代表するデザイナーをはじめとする個性豊かな8組のブック・クリエイターにインタビューを敢行。第2企画では、高品質なクリエイティヴにより世界的なアーティストの信頼を集め、彼らの作品集を中心に発行する“本職人” によるインディペンデント出版社を取り上げる。続く、第3企画では世界各国のクリエイティヴ・コミュニティーに欠かせない12軒のブック・ストアを、第4企画はヴィジュアルが優れた印象的なピクチャー・ブックを紹介する。多種多様なスタイルの本を堪能することができる1冊となっている。


表紙には、+81 のロゴをモチーフに、ブック・デザインで用いられる要素をミニマルなヴィジュアルで表現したNeville Brodyのアートワークを採用。


Diversity of Book Designs

Neville Brody

Jonathan Bambrook

Paul Boudens

Work in Progress

Peter Mendelsund

Theseus Chan

Donnachie, Simionato & Sons



Respectable Works

by Independent Publishers



Unit Editions



The 12 Booksellers in the World


Yvon Lambert BookShop


do you read me?!

Pro qm Bookshop

Ler Devagar


Konst-ig Books


Basheer Design Book

Ariel Booksellers

Perimeter Books


Impressive Picture Books

Henri’s Walk to Paris

Follow the Line

Follow the Line to School

Bruno Munari’s ABC

Iris Colombo

Sparkle and Spin A Book About Words

Paul Thurlby's Alphabet

ABC Is For Circus

The Odd One Out

A Ilha

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+81 Vol.63 Book Design issue

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