Vol.30 Asian Creatives: Hong Kong Now issue
目覚ましい進化を続ける香港デザイン・シーンの“今”を特集。注目を集めるデザイン・イベント『Seven』や雑誌『Cream』『IdN』への取材をはじめ、デザイン界の巨匠Alan Chanや、Wong Kar Wai 映画の制作スタッフへのインタビューも収録。
Creators' Interviews
Benny Au, IdN, S.K.Lam, Cream, Joel Chu
Hong Kong Design History
Kan Tai-Keung and Freeman Lau, Alan Chan, Hon Bing-Wah, Tommy Li, Stanley Wong
Brains of Wong Kar Wai's Creatives
Willam Chang, Chirstopher Doyle, Wing Shya
Bright Lights of the Design Scene
Hung Lam, Kabo, Marc & Chantal Design, Kenneth To,
Lio Breardsley, Benny Luk, Victor Cheung, Sleepatwork,
Francis Lam
+81 Vol.30 Asian Creatives: Hong Kong Now issue